acl::redis_transaction类 参考

#include <redis_transaction.hpp>

+ 类 acl::redis_transaction 继承关系图:
+ acl::redis_transaction 的协作图:

Public 成员函数

 redis_transaction (void)
 redis_transaction (redis_client *conn)
 redis_transaction (redis_client_cluster *cluster)
 redis_transaction (redis_client_pipeline *pipeline)
ACL_CPP_DEPRECATED redis_transaction (redis_client_cluster *cluster, size_t max_conns)
virtual ~redis_transaction (void)
bool watch (const std::vector< string > &keys)
bool unwatch (void)
bool multi (void)
bool exec (void)
bool discard (void)
bool run_cmd (const char *cmd, const char *argv[], const size_t lens[], size_t argc)
bool run_cmd (const char *cmd, const std::vector< string > &args)
size_t get_size (void) const
const redis_resultget_child (size_t i, string *cmd) const
const std::vector< string > & get_commands (void) const
- Public 成员函数 继承自 acl::redis_command
 redis_command (void)
 redis_command (redis_client *conn)
 redis_command (redis_client_cluster *cluster)
ACL_CPP_DEPRECATED redis_command (redis_client_cluster *cluster, size_t max_conns)
 redis_command (redis_client_pipeline *pipeline)
virtual ~redis_command (void)
void set_check_addr (bool on)
void clear (bool save_slot=false)
void reset (bool save_slot=false)
void set_client (redis_client *conn)
redis_clientget_client (void) const
const char * get_client_addr (void) const
void set_cluster (redis_client_cluster *cluster)
ACL_CPP_DEPRECATED void set_cluster (redis_client_cluster *cluster, size_t max_conns)
redis_client_clusterget_cluster (void) const
void set_pipeline (redis_client_pipeline *pipeline, bool use_mbox=true)
redis_client_pipelineget_pipeline (void) const
dbuf_poolget_dbuf (void) const
redis_result_t result_type (void) const
const char * result_status (void) const
const char * result_error (void) const
size_t result_size (void) const
int result_number (bool *success=NULL) const
long long int result_number64 (bool *success=NULL) const
const char * get_result (size_t i, size_t *len=NULL) const
bool eof (void) const
const redis_resultget_result (void) const
const redis_resultresult_child (size_t i) const
const char * result_value (size_t i, size_t *len=NULL) const
void set_slice_request (bool on)
void set_slice_respond (bool on)
const redis_resultrequest (size_t argc, const char *argv[], size_t lens[], size_t nchild=0)
const redis_resultrequest (const std::vector< string > &args, size_t nchild=0)
const stringrequest_buf (void) const
void build_request (size_t argc, const char *argv[], size_t lens[])
void hash_slot (const char *key)
void hash_slot (const char *key, size_t len)
int get_slot (void) const
bool is_check_addr (void) const
const char * get_addr (const char *info)
void set_client_addr (const char *addr)
void set_client_addr (redis_client &conn)
redis_request * get_request_obj (void) const
stringget_request_buf (void) const
bool is_slice_req (void) const
redis_pipeline_messageget_pipeline_message (void)


- 静态 Public 成员函数 继承自 acl::redis_command
static void build_request (size_t argc, const char *argv[], size_t lens[], string &out)
- Protected 成员函数 继承自 acl::redis_command
const redis_resultrun (size_t nchild=0, int *timeout=NULL)
void clear_request (void)
const redis_result ** scan_keys (const char *cmd, const char *key, int &cursor, size_t &size, const char *pattern, const size_t *count)
const redis_result ** scan_keys (const char *cmd, const char *key, size_t klen, int &cursor, size_t &size, const char *pattern, const size_t *count)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const std::map< string, string > &attrs)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, size_t klen, const std::map< string, string > &attrs)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const std::map< string, const char * > &attrs)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const std::vector< string > &names, const std::vector< string > &values)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, size_t klen, const std::vector< string > &names, const std::vector< string > &values)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const std::vector< const char * > &names, const std::vector< const char * > &values)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const char *names[], const char *values[], size_t argc)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const int names[], const char *values[], size_t argc)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const char *names[], const size_t names_len[], const char *values[], const size_t values_len[], size_t argc)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, size_t klen, const char *names[], const size_t names_len[], const char *values[], const size_t values_len[], size_t argc)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const std::vector< string > &names)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, size_t klen, const std::vector< string > &names)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const std::vector< const char * > &names)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const std::vector< int > &names)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const char *names[], size_t argc)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const char *names[], const size_t lens[], size_t argc)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, size_t klen, const char *names[], const size_t lens[], size_t argc)
void build (const char *cmd, const char *key, const int names[], size_t argc)
int get_number (bool *success=NULL)
long long int get_number64 (bool *success=NULL)
int get_number (std::vector< int > &out)
int get_number64 (std::vector< long long int > &out)
bool check_status (const char *success="OK")
int get_status (std::vector< bool > &out)
const char * get_status (void)
int get_string (string &buf)
int get_string (string *buf)
int get_string (char *buf, size_t size)
int get_strings (std::vector< string > &result)
int get_strings (std::vector< string > *result)
int get_strings (std::list< string > &result)
int get_strings (std::list< string > *result)
int get_strings (std::map< string, string > &result)
int get_strings (std::vector< string > &names, std::vector< string > &values)
int get_strings (std::vector< const char * > &names, std::vector< const char * > &values)
void argv_space (size_t n)
void build_request1 (size_t argc, const char *argv[], size_t lens[])
void build_request2 (size_t argc, const char *argv[], size_t lens[])
void logger_result (const redis_result *result)
- Protected 成员函数 继承自 acl::acl::noncopyable
 noncopyable ()
 ~noncopyable ()
- Protected 属性 继承自 acl::redis_command
bool check_addr_
char addr_ [32]
bool pipe_use_mbox_
int slot_
int redirect_max_
int redirect_sleep_
bool slice_req_
redis_request * request_obj_
size_t argv_size_
const char ** argv_
size_t * argv_lens_
size_t argc_
bool slice_res_
const redis_resultresult_


在文件 redis_transaction.hpp12 行定义.


◆ redis_transaction() [1/5]

acl::redis_transaction::redis_transaction ( void  )

◆ redis_transaction() [2/5]

acl::redis_transaction::redis_transaction ( redis_client conn)

◆ redis_transaction() [3/5]

acl::redis_transaction::redis_transaction ( redis_client_cluster cluster)

◆ redis_transaction() [4/5]

acl::redis_transaction::redis_transaction ( redis_client_pipeline pipeline)

◆ redis_transaction() [5/5]

ACL_CPP_DEPRECATED acl::redis_transaction::redis_transaction ( redis_client_cluster cluster,
size_t  max_conns 

◆ ~redis_transaction()

virtual acl::redis_transaction::~redis_transaction ( void  )


◆ discard()

bool acl::redis_transaction::discard ( void  )

取消事务,放弃执行事务块内的所有命令,如果正在使用 WATCH 命令监视某个(或某些) key,那么取消所有监视,等同于执行命令 UNWATCH discard all commands issued after MULTI


◆ exec()

bool acl::redis_transaction::exec ( void  )

执行所有事务块内的命令,假如某个(或某些) key 正处于 WATCH 命令的监视之下, 且事务块中有和这个(或这些) key 相关的命令,那么 EXEC 命令只在这个(或这些) key 没有被其他命令所改动的情况下执行并生效,否则该事务被打断(abort); 在执行本条命令成功后,可以调用下面的 get_size()/get_child() 获得每条命令的 操作结果 execute all commands issued after MULTI

{bool} 操作是否成功 if success of this operation

◆ get_child()

const redis_result* acl::redis_transaction::get_child ( size_t  i,
string cmd 
) const

获取指定下标的对应的命令的执行结果对象 get the result of the given subscript

i{size_t} 命令执行结果在结果数组中的下标 the given subscript
cmd{string*} 该参数非空时存放对应的 redis 命令 if not NULL, it will store the command of the given subscript
{const redis_result*} 执行某条命令的结果,当 i 越界时返回 NULL return the result of one command, NULL if i was out of bounds

◆ get_commands()

const std::vector<string>& acl::redis_transaction::get_commands ( void  ) const

获得当前事务所重的命令集合 get all the commands issued between MULTI and EXEC

{const std::vector<string>&}

在文件 redis_transaction.hpp143 行定义.

144  {
145  return cmds_;
146  }

◆ get_size()

size_t acl::redis_transaction::get_size ( void  ) const

在成功调用 exec 后调用本函数获得操作结果数组的长度 get the result array's length after EXEC


◆ multi()

bool acl::redis_transaction::multi ( void  )

标记一个事务块的开始,事务块内的多条命令会按照先后顺序被放进一个队列当中, 最后由 EXEC 命令原子性(atomic)地执行 mark the start of a transaction block

{bool} 操作是否成功 if success of this operation

◆ run_cmd() [1/2]

bool acl::redis_transaction::run_cmd ( const char *  cmd,
const char *  argv[],
const size_t  lens[],
size_t  argc 

在 multi 和 exec 之间可多次调用本函数执行多条 redis 客户端命令 run one command between MULTI and EXEC

cmd{const char*} redis 命令 the command
argv{const char* []} 参数数组 the args array associate with the command
lens[const size_t []} 参数的长度数组 the length array of the args array
argc{size_t} 参数数组的长度 the length of the array for args
{bool} 操作是否成功 if successful

◆ run_cmd() [2/2]

bool acl::redis_transaction::run_cmd ( const char *  cmd,
const std::vector< string > &  args 

在 multi 和 exec 之间多次调用本函数执行多条 redis 客户端命令 run one command between MULTI and exec, this function can be called more than once

cmd{const char*} redis 命令 the redis command
args{const std::vector<string>&} 参数数组 the args array for the command
{bool} 操作是否成功 if successful

◆ unwatch()

bool acl::redis_transaction::unwatch ( void  )

取消 WATCH 命令对所有 key 的监视 forget about all watched keys

{bool} 操作是否成功 if success of this operation

◆ watch()

bool acl::redis_transaction::watch ( const std::vector< string > &  keys)

监视一个(或多个) key ,如果在事务执行之前这个(或这些) key 被其他命令所改动, 那么事务将被打断 watch the given keys to determine execution of the MULTI/EXEC block, before EXEC some of the given keys were changed outer, the transaction will break

keys{const std::vector<string>&} key 集合 the given keys collection
{bool} 操作是否成功,即使 key 集合中的有 key 不存在也会返回成功 if success of this operation
